James Elliott

Dip. ECVIM-CA-RO (Oncology and Radiation Oncology),
European Veterinary Specialist in Veterinary Oncology and Radiation Oncology
American Specialists in Veterinary Radiation Oncology
RCVS Specialist in Veterinary Oncology
Following graduation, James worked in small animal practice for 2 years, prior to undertaking an internship and residency in oncology at the University of Liverpool. He earned the RCVS Certificate in Small Animal Medicine, the ECVIM-CA diploma in oncology and became an RCVS-recognised specialist in veterinary oncology. After several years in private practice, James undertook a second residency at North Carolina State University in veterinary radiation oncology. He received advanced training in all aspects of modern radiation therapy, including the planning and delivery of highly sophisticated modes of radiation treatment (intensity-modulated radiation therapy and stereotactic radiation therapy). He has published numerous peer-reviewed articles, is associate editor for a veterinary journal and is the co-author of the neuro-oncology chapter in the 2023 BSAVA manual of Neurology. He has also served as an examiner for several years for both the RCVS and also for the ECVIM oncology diploma. He enjoys all aspects of clinical work, particularly using his skills in both medical and radiation oncology to design custom treatment plans. His goal is to try and improve the quality and length of life of his patients, with as few adverse effects as possible.